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Grazer Linuxtage 2021

Gotta Collect 'Em All - Metrics Easily Visualised

I held a talk at this year’s Grazer Linuxtage titled “Gotta Collect ‘Em All - Metrics Easily Visualised”. The talk was given over BigBlueButton with slides exported to PDF. You can access the exported PDFs here.

Since the slides were generated with the presentation framework reveal.js I wanted to share the HTML version of these slides too.

You can go through the slides with the arrow keys or use the spacebar to looko through them in order. If you’re looking for a particular slide press the “M” key to get a content menu. I will perhaps fix some mistakes if I notice any.

I will probably give some more information about my experiences speaking at #GLT21 in a separate blog post soon.

If you have any questions regarding my talk or want to give personal feedback feel free to reach out to me via Email or DeltaChat at chat[at]thym.at.


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