Homelab on NixOS

Declarative and reproducible ❄️

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Who am I?

  • Student at Graz University of Technology 🎓
  • DevOps Engineer/Automation Specialist at smaXtec 🐄
  • Linux Advocate and Avid User of FOSS 🐧
  • Daily Driving NixOS since 2020 ❄️

What is a homelab?

What is a homelab?

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

What is a homelab?

What is a homelab?

What is a homelab?

What is a homelab?

What is Nix?

Not to be confused with *nix

What is Nix?

  • Nix Language
  • Nix Package Manager
  • Nix Package Library - Nixpkgs
  • Nix Operating System - NixOS

What is NixOS?

  • Started as research project by Eeelco Dolstra in 2003
  • Took off after first stable release branch in 2013 (13.10)
  • Stable releases in May and November (e.g. Raccoon - 22.11)
  • Receive bugfixes and security updates for 7 months


services = {

  # Start a systemd service for each incoming SSH connection
  openssh.startWhenNeeded = true;

  # Enable periodic SSD TRIM to extend life of mounted SSDs
  fstrim.enable = true;

  # Suspend when power button is short-pressed
  logind.extraConfig = ''

Landing page

{ ... }:

  services.homepage-dashboard = {
    enable = true;
    listenPort = 8082;

Landing page


{ ... }:

  domain = "mydomain.at";
  ntfyPort = 6780;
  ntfyMetricsPort = 9095;
  ntfyHost = "notifications.${domain}";
  services.ntfy-sh = {
    enable = true;
    group = "ntfy";
    user = "ntfy";
    settings = {
      base-url = "https://${ntfyHost}";
      listen-http = ":${toString ntfyPort}";
      behind-proxy = true;
      auth-file = "/var/lib/ntfy/user.db";
      # cache-file = "/var/cache/ntfy/cache.db";
      attachment-cache-dir = "/var/cache/ntfy/attachments";
      auth-default-access = "deny-all";
      upstream-base-url = "https://ntfy.sh";
      # Set to "disable" to disable web UI
      # See https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/459
      web-root = "app";
      # Enable metrics endpoint for Prometheus
      enable-metrics = true;
      metrics-listen-http = ":${toString ntfyMetricsPort}";

  user.extraGroups = [ "ntfy" ];

  environment.systemPackages = [ services.ntfy-sh.package ];

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ntfyPort ];



Home Assistant

{ ... }:

  port = 7901;
  version = "2023.12.2";
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers = {
    home-assistant = {
      image = "ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:${version}";
      volumes = [
      extraOptions = [
      ports = [
        "${toString port}:${toString port}"
      autoStart = true;

  networking.firewall.interfaces.tailscale0.allowedTCPPorts = [ port ];}

Home Assistant

Some service modules

NixOS User Group Austria


NixOS User Group Austria

NixOS User Group Austria

Mentioned Resources


  • Image of mini homelab of Reddit user buster072 - Reddit
  • Image of sizeable homelab of Reddit user lusid1 - Reddit
  • Image of large homelab of Reddit user JaredBanyard - Reddit
  • Image of production-grade “homelab” - EPM
  • Brand Logos - Simple Icons


curl -sL https://matthias.thym.at/card
